Each academic year, Felpham Community College host a number of events in support of local, national and international charities. Organised and co-ordinated by the sixth form student charity committee, under the direction of the Student Leadership Team, the events are held across year groups to support various charities which are nominated for by FCC students and staff.
On the 21st October, FCC held one of the first activities of the year, a non-school uniform day in support of My Sister’s House. Celebrating the end of an incredibly busy half term, students and staff were encouraged to pay a £1 donation to ditch the uniform and wear what they want for the day. Sixth formers got involved and were encouraged to come in Halloween fancy dress!
Georgia Robson, Sixth Form Leadership Team in charge of charity commented: “It is great that students and staff at FCC want to support charity and help others and we enjoy sorting out a programme of events which is fun and gets everyone involved. Thank you to parents and carers and families who support our students with the events as we couldn’t do it without them either!”
For more information on My Sister’s House please see My Sisters’ House (mysistershouse.info)