
Departmental Staff
Curriculum Leader:Miss E Fuller
Subject Teachers:Miss G ButlerMrs A Purcell
Miss L HamblinMr T James
Mr J Harrocks
SLT Line Manager:Mrs K Bloomfield

Key Stage 3 

At Key Stage 3 students are taught for four lessons each fortnight and are taught in tutor groups throughout in year 7 and mixed ability groups in years 8 and 9. The main programmes of study in each year group of Key Stage 3 are summarised below with further details contained in schemes of work: 

Year 7 

  • Are we prisoners of geography?
  • How are our coast changing?
  • How under threat is our planet? 
  • Is China changing our world? 
  • How can we create sustainable cities?
  • What risks are our oceans facing?

Year 8

  • How fantastic are places?
  • How populated is our planet?
  • Are rivers a friend or foe?
  • How unequal is our world?
  • How diverse is Africa?
  • How does weather influence our lives?

Year 9 

  • How valuable are rainforests?
  • How is conflicting impacting our people and our planet? 
  • How under threat are we from our tectonic world?
  • What is happening in the cryosphere?
  • What is it like in the UK today?
  • Can we overcome the challenges of tropical storms?

Key Stage 4 

At Key Stage 4 we offer a choice of the following courses: 

Key Stage 5 

At Key Stage 5 we offer a choice of the following courses (please click on the links below to visit the Sixth Form Website):