
The School Library is open every day from 8 am to 4 pm, including morning break and lunch time and before and after school. Timetabled classes or other activities may be taking place and should be given precedence when they are. At other times students are welcome to read, revise, do homework or just enjoy a bit of peace.

Books may be loaned or returned at the issues desk, and stationery items (school equipment) may be purchased there too.

Computers are available for research, homework or printing, and at certain times chess boards and pieces may be borrowed.

Lunchtime reading groups include the Year 7 Book Club and the annual Carnegie Shadowing Group. Every year a team of mixed year 7 and 8 students prepare for and take part in the West Sussex Inter-schools Literature Quiz.

The library catalogue is available online, and the search facility can be used to see what is currently available in the collection. The librarian is usually on hand to assist with book choice or other queries. 

The link to the Accelerated Reader log-in for year 7 students is here

Mr Thraves 