Students across year groups at Felpham Community College have created a visual memorial for Remembrance Day and The Royal British Legion poppy appeal.
Every student in years 7,8 and 9 within their art classes this half term, created an individual poppy out of recycled egg boxes. Year 10 students and the Creative Club (extra-curricular art club for years 7,8 and 9) also used a variety of mixed media recycled materials to create larger poppies, using wire, wax, fabric, pebbles and plastics.
Mr Anstiss, Headteacher commented: “We are proud of the students for producing such an impressive and moving piece of art, to remember and honour the men and woman who have served their country. Our Student Council Reps have also been working hard these last 2 weeks, giving up their break and lunch times to sell poppies around the school site.”
Mrs Tomkins, Curriculum Leader for Art and Design commented: “You cannot help but say ‘Wow!’ when you see the finished memorial as it is so eye catching. Students worked incredibly hard on their poppies and the level of detail on some of them is inspiring. The display is currently on show at the FCC main reception and then we hope to donate it locally.”