Summer Term 2023 – Letter to Parents & Carers

It is with great delight that I welcome you to the summer term.

As you are aware, we waved a fond farewell to Mark Anstiss at the end of last term, and we look forward to welcoming Suzanne Pike, as our new Headteacher, in September. In the meantime, I will be undertaking the Acting Headteacher role, to ensure a smooth transition.

The summer term is always a busy one – none more so than for our Year 13 and Year 11 students who will be starting the final push towards their examinations. In supporting them, we look to secure a calm and purposeful atmosphere from the outset, and will be having a drive on expectations to ensure we settle quickly after the spring holiday. Please do remind your child of the need to be punctual, both to school and to all lessons, and to turn off their phones on arrival to school.

I look forward to working with you again this term, and hope to see many of you at the Awards Evenings, Summer arts festival and other activities we have planned for the coming term.

Kind regards, as ever,

Michelle Kelly
Acting Headteacher
