Felpham Community College students speak at Rights Respecting Schools’ Conference

Year 11 Felpham Community College students Rebecca Holland and Katy Pilling, and Rory Lyne from year 10, were invited to present at the ‘Free and Equal’ Conference on the 13th October.

Organised through ‘Beyond This’, Rebecca, Katy and Rory were asked to speak alongside representatives from UNICEF; to talk and showcase the power of the Rights Respecting School Award.

The students were asked to speak around the impact that the Rights Respecting Schools initiative has had at FCC and how it has helped in the creation of a safer and more inclusive environment. They attended the conference for the day, therefore allowing time to also participate in a variety of workshops – listening to key note speakers discussing topics of gender, masculinity and power.

Felpham were chosen as the only school to speak, to represent the entire Rights Respecting School program.   They were chosen by the UNICEF team for the schools strong ethos for inclusion and acceptance, and students feeling comfortable to be who they are.

Alice Jarvis, Rights Respecting Schools Ambassador at FCC, commented:
“It was amazing to watch the students talk about how their lives have been changed by our Rights Respecting work, and to see how passionate and empowered they feel – not only from their own speech, but the other speakers they watched as well. As well as the live audience, the conference was streamed to schools across the county which was fantastic. We hope that this talk has encouraged other schools and students to start their own Rights Respecting journey.”

Please see the below links for more information about the conference and the speakers.
