Year 9 Consultation / KS4 Options Evening

Your son/daughter is approaching the important time in their education where they decide what option subjects they would like to study in Year 10 and 11.

To make the process as informative as possible, we have created a timeline of activities for you to engage in, with your child, in order to select the correct options.

Our Year 9 Consultation Evening is on Thursday 2nd February from 4.00-7.00pm for parent/carers and students. It is important to note that this evening is face to face at the school and we ask that students attend alongside parents/carers so they can participate and benefit first hand from the appointments and the presentation regarding KS4 Options.

I will be making three 10-minute presentations with Mr Whiffin (Deputy Headteacher) to outline the move to Key Stage 4 (KS4) and how to choose GCSE/Level 2 options. Presentations will take place at 4.30pm, 5.30pm and 6.30pm; space is restricted, so please email by Wednesday 1st February 2023 with your child’s name and which presentation you will be attending.

You will be sent a link from school cloud to book your face to face ‘in school’ consultation appointments. Please ensure your appointments are booked around the presentation you may be attending.

Teachers of option subjects new to students, such as psychology, media studies, health & social care and business will be available in the cafeteria before, between and after the presentations.

Please find below the timeline for the Options process:

  1. Students will receive an options assembly on Wednesday 18th January.
  2. The Key Stage 4 Options booklet will be emailed to students and parents/carers on Friday 20th January and will also be on our website, along with subject videos.
  3. The option choices Cognito form will be emailed to parents/carers on Friday 27th January.
  4. Consultation evening at FCC is on Thursday 2nd February.
  5. The deadline for option choices is Thursday 9th February.

If you have any questions about any of the above please contact me, or Mrs Wilson (Year 9 Manager).

I look forward to seeing you at the evening.

Mrs Reeves
Year 9 Leader
