
If you complete the form below, someone from Felpham Community College will make contact with you as soon as possible.

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If you need  immediate safeguarding support while the school is closed, please contact one of the signposted agencies below:

Children’s services on: https://www.westsussexscp.org.uk/

Phone: 01403 229900

Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm

Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm

Email WSChildrenServices@westsussex.gov.uk

If you believe there is an emergency and a child is at risk of immediate harm please call the police on 999.

Childline: 0800 1111

Online bullying: thinkyouknow.co.uk

Youth Access: youthaccess.org.uk

Feeling down, low or depressed: youngminds.org.uk or samaritans.org Call 116 123 for free

Refuge: supporting anyone experiencing domestic violence. For support, call FREE 0808 2000 247 nationaldahelpline.org.uk

Abuse or alcohol support: Confidential support themix.org.uk

Sexual Assault: Call NSPCC 0800 136 663 / help@nspcc.org.uk

Shout: Are you feeling anxious, stressed, overwhelmed or in need of support? FREE 24 hr text message service -85258