HAS Felpham Got Talent – YES!!

On Tuesday 26th March, Felpham Community College hosted a (sell-out!) Charity Talent Show, raising money for ‘Save The Post Office’, a local appeal for the Felpham Village Post Office.

Students across year groups auditioned in February and then the chosen acts had one month to perfect their performances. A wide range of acts – 23 in total – including singers, a band, piano players, musical duets, dancers, gymnasts and even a balloon modeller! – then performed to a packed audience and a panel of judges. The judges then chose a first, second and third place at the end of the evening with the winning acts being awarded prizes.

The event raised well over £1000 which is fantastic – thank you to everyone for their support. Well done to all the Acts who performed, with specific mention going to:

1st Place – Karina Natkinis, Year 8 – Performing Interstella by Hans Zimmer
2nd Place – Emanual Makinson, Year 8 – Balloon modelling and comedy act
3rd Place – Tali Swain, Year 10 – Self-written monologue

Ms Crocker, Dance Teacher at Felpham Community College commented:
“It has been fantastic to be involved with the show and to see the students grow in confidence from the audition night to the final event. They have all worked really hard and the talent and confidence they have is brilliant!

Our Sixth Form music students have supported the students, organising the backing music and mentoring some of the Acts, and our Sixth Form ‘Make A Difference’ Committee have helped organise the event and supported the evening – even compering in a very professional manner! Thank you to everyone who came to watch the show, the audience were brilliant. We are now looking forward to more showcase events next term including Move It! and our annual Summer Arts Evening.  Thank you to everyone for your on-going support”.

FCC Students raise money for Mount Noddy

On the final day of the Spring Term, Thursday 28th March, Felpham Community College hosted a non-school uniform day, raising money for Mount Noddy, the local branch of the RSPCA. Students and staff were invited to pay £1 for the privilege of not wearing school uniform for the day, with the chosen charity being voted for by the FCC community back in October.

The FCC Charity programme of events is organised through the Sixth Form ‘Make a Difference’ Committee, student volunteers from years 12 and 13 who help support younger students and events.

The FCC Student Council also play a vital part in the charity events with promotion and getting students across year groups involved. There is a Student Council for each year group at FCC and then a Whole School Council, which includes representatives from each Year Council. They have been instrumental with change and initiatives at Felpham, including designing posters to support younger students, promoting and supporting a huge donation drive for Bognor Foodbank last term, suggesting improvements around the school site, taking part in initiatives such as the recent ‘Big Plastic Count’ and supporting non-uniform fundraising events – by promoting them with their year groups and also helping to collect in the funds.

Mr Summers, Assistant Headteacher commented:
“Our Student Council goes from strength to strength and it has been great to see them develop the ideas and suggestions they have. The students are also influential in our charity events and always keen to help and support. They are fantastic role models for our students. We would also like to give a huge thank you to our Make a Difference Committee – lots of them who leave us after Easter as they are year 13.”

Sixth Form ‘Make a Difference’ Committee
Some Year 7 Student Coucil Representatives

Year 11 students at Felpham Community College celebrate mock GCSE results

On Monday 25th March, Felpham Community College hosted a presentation ceremony for year 11 students to celebrate their mock exam results.

This year, students had two rounds of formal practice exams, so that they can see how progress can be made in a short space of time. The first set were held at the end of last term, and the final ones in February. All mocks were completed in strict exam conditions, to give students a feel for what the summer exam season holds. Extra-curricular revision sessions have been taking place across subjects since October for both sets of exams.

Students are now preparing for their final weeks of study, with sessions also being run in the Easter holidays for a number of subjects.

Mrs Bloomfield, Assistant Headteacher commented:
“Year 11 students are working really hard and need to keep the momentum up – there are only a few weeks left of formal key stage 4 education! They have the Summer to look forward to, and their year 11 prom, but for the meantime we are focusing on them working hard – and remembering that we are here to support them every step of the way”

Charlie Wimble, year 11 student commented:
“I am really pleased! I have put in lots of effort since the first round of mocks before Christmas and it has paid off – every one of my grades has gone up this time round. Now I want to do more to get them even better!”

Sam Shelton, year 11 student commented:
“I got all 9s and 1 8 which is fantastic, I want to keep up the hard work for the last couple of months and then I can’t wait to finish for the summer. I am coming back to FCC Sixth Form in September to study maths, further maths, physics and computer science.”

Year 11 Students develop their Shakespeare Skills!

On Tuesday 19th March, a group of year 11 students from Felpham Community College performed an 80s adaptation of Shakespeare’s Othello at the Berry Theatre in Hedge End.

Rehearsals started in September, with students fitting in learning lines and translating Shakespearean language around revising for their exams. The students, who had little or no previous experience of acting, did an amazing job in limited time to produce a modern themed version of the play.

Mr Leadley, History Teacher commented:
“Students worked incredibly hard on their performance and we are really proud of them. It was fantastic to see them developing their skills, and understanding Shakespeare well enough to be able to see how it can transfer to modern language. They did a brilliant job of interpreting the story and actors. It was also a great experience for them to perform in a professional theatre in front of an audience. Well done guys, you worked really hard and it paid off.”

Felpham Community College celebrate the students who go above and beyond!

On Wednesday 20th March, Felpham Community College hosted a Student Celebration Event. This was organised as an opportunity to say thank you and well done to the students at FCC who regularly go above and beyond with their commitment to the school and local community.

Students were nominated to attend by staff, with Ms Kelly, Deputy Headteacher and Mr Hawkins, Chair of Governors presenting students with awards for their achievements.

Students were nominated from every year group, and covered a wide variety of school initiatives / committees and personal achievements with their nominations, including:
The Sixth Form Leadership Team – Outstanding commitment to the role
The Sixth Form Make a Difference Committee – Commitment, hard work and enthusiasm with the charity and community events this year
Resilience Ambassadors – Continued support and dedication with the Resilience Ambassador programme
Year 7 Year Group Nominations – Commitment, dedication and going the extra mile with your form and year group
Arun Changemakers – Outstanding ideas, enthusiasm and commitment with the Artswork Changemakers Project
Peer Mentors – For going above and beyond within your role as a Year 10 Peer Mentor
Rights Respecting Schools Ambassadors – For being incredible RRSA Ambassadors, and all the tasks and responsibilities associated with the role
Curriculum Support Centre – For amazing support and mentoring with students
School Council – Leading initiatives and change with the Student Council, supporting younger students and always being willing to help
6th form Year Group Nominations – Going above and beyond to support your year group, the year office, and FCC

It was an uplifting afternoon, which was a great opportunity to recognise the students who support FCC and the student body on a regular basis.

The Sixth Form Make a Difference Committee
Rights Respecting Schools Ambassadors
Curriculum Support Centre
Arun Changemakers
The Sixth Form Leadership Team
The Sixth Form Year Group Nominations
Resilience Ambassadors
Peer Mentors
Year 7 Year Group Nominations
School Council

Dance House 2024

Well done to our Dance House Team who performed at Dance House in Worthing last week. Their piece was called ‘Like A Circle’, and it was a contemporary dance piece based around the music of Ben Abraham.

The team explored the theme of wanting to love and be loved ‘like a circle’, with no beginning and no end; a continuous cycle of kindness shown towards everyone.

‘Dance House’ at FCC is made up of 13 year 7-10 students, all who have been rehearsing since December for the performance.

The team will get to perform this piece twice more: once in the talent show on the 26th March, and again in our annual dance showcase, ‘Move It!’.